Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random studio shots...

So I just finished the work for the Berlin book launch last night, and I feel good. About a week ago I wrote on here that I thought I was going to fall off my chair and die from the hours. As it turns out, it wasn't the hours, it was a lung infection... But I got medication today so hopefully I'll be tip top by the launch on the 28th...!

Here are a bunch of random studio shots from the last couple of weeks...

Andrew and Daniel building a wall:

My close bud/soon-to-be Holistic Nutritionist Connie Kwok:

What my desk looked like last night:

Nicolina with a bunch of orders to be shipped out:

A bit of a painting:

A painting:

A bit of a painting:

The camping cot I've been sleeping on in the studio:

My studio:


A half finished drawing:

Ok, so once I get all of the Berlin work scanned, I'll post it up here...


maluo said...

looks cool. those paintings are hot as allways. hope ur back on ur feats soon.

what are these books you are talking about? I'll have to admit that I havn't realy looked into what it is that you use your paintings for.

Nicholas Di Genova said...

Hey Man,

Thanks man, your work is looking slick too... Lung infections suck, it seems like I'm sick a few times a year, but its never just a cold, its always something weird:P Maybe its because I'm a dirtbag...

The book is called "Die Young", its the fifth in a series but out by Belio Magazine out of Spain...

I'm leaving on Sunday for the launch, but its in Berlin, not Madrid...

You can get more info on the book here:

Aaaaaron said...

Why doesn't your studio look like a total piece of shit anymore?
Your drawings are pretty fucking incredible dude. You're the champ.
You need to come hang at my studio when you get back.