Thursday, March 20, 2008

work for book launch

Normally I don't put the work for a show on here until after the show opens, but because the show is more about the release of the book, not the work, here they are.

They are small, 7" x 10", and there are 16 of them.... One of them is from last year, I found it in my studio and I like it a lot so I decided to include it....

Book Launch info

Okok, here is the info on the book launch.

If you are in Berlin on the 28th of March, come on out... I like making friends, but I'm pretty sick so forgive me if I look and act like a crackhead... Here's the info...

And here is the gallery's contact:

Marco Schwalbe & Silke Sudau Schwalbe
Naunynstrasse 46
D-10999 Berlin

Mobile 1: 0177.646.518.2 / Mobile 2: 0178.790.590.5

And here is the gallery's website:
Intoxicated Demons

I've been talking with Marco a lot over the last few weeks, planning everything out... He seems like an amazing dude, art and design really is this guy's passion! We are doing a limited edition T-shirt for the launch as well...

Here is a photo of Marco's son wearing one of the shirts, which is pretty much the most adorable photo ever. It actually makes me want my own kid. Maybe I'll steal this one when I'm in Berlin...

So at the launch I'll have the new Die Young book, a bunch of other merchandise, and 16 small studies I've done over the last few weeks. I've mentioned them a few times on here already, but I want to thank Javier and Pablo from Belio Magazine again for all of the work they've done with the book, I think it looks really slick... For info on the book itself, follow this link.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random studio shots...

So I just finished the work for the Berlin book launch last night, and I feel good. About a week ago I wrote on here that I thought I was going to fall off my chair and die from the hours. As it turns out, it wasn't the hours, it was a lung infection... But I got medication today so hopefully I'll be tip top by the launch on the 28th...!

Here are a bunch of random studio shots from the last couple of weeks...

Andrew and Daniel building a wall:

My close bud/soon-to-be Holistic Nutritionist Connie Kwok:

What my desk looked like last night:

Nicolina with a bunch of orders to be shipped out:

A bit of a painting:

A painting:

A bit of a painting:

The camping cot I've been sleeping on in the studio:

My studio:


A half finished drawing:

Ok, so once I get all of the Berlin work scanned, I'll post it up here...

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Ok, so I said I would never do it... I held out for over a year after most of my friends joined... But when I was at my sister's wedding, she said: "If you want to see the wedding photos, you'll have to join facebook." So here I am...

But I'm going to use it to show some new art, let people know about exhibitions, stuff like that... Soooo...if you are on facebook, and want to figure out what I'm up to, add me as a friend. Here's my profile.

Then I can look at photos of you instead of drawing...

Monday, March 10, 2008


I've just been holed up in the studio working on drawings for the book launch in Berlin. I'm going for 16, I'm working on the 14th, but I want to do extra so I can cut a few out... I sort of feel like I'm gonna fall out of my chair and die soon, seriously. Ok, I'll stop complaining, I'm really excited for the launch and about these drawings, I just feel so unhealthy the last few weeks... I can't wait to ride my bike, and jump the fence at the neighbourhood pool, and fall asleep in the park...

Here are 3 of the drawings, click them and they get bigger...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Congratulations Gina!

My big sister Gina got married this weekend... Her husband Jason is amazing, I couldn't imagine a better match for her...