Friday, May 28, 2010

Dragon Killer #2

Here's the second and last issue of Dragon Killer. The dedication page isn't as good, but the ending is a bit bloody... I'm a bit ashamed of how I chose to draw the ninja, but when I was 11 I was pretty confident thats what a ninja would look like, and it has a Terminator reference that no relic of the early 90's can be without... If you click on the pages they will become large enough to read.


Unknown said...

I had a story book like this back in primary school. We had to read it to the little kids, mine was so crap that the kids literally fell asleep. Good times. Your story is great!

Larissa Thomas said...

this is so amazing

Joseph Armstrong Thomson said...

Thanks for dedicating it to me. I haven't felt this good since 2006, when I was Time's person of the year.