Thursday, April 5, 2007

recent press

I haven't updated in a month, I've just been hunched over my desk working on some drawings for an upcoming artfair, so there hasn't been much worth mentioning... I thought i should give the blog some sort of update though. This might be boring as shit, but here are some recent magazines I've had work in... Oh wait, I just thought of a better update! Wait, no, I'll post the better update next time... The photos on this post are not too crisp, I took them with my camera phone, but it was a litle too dark I think...

A little bit back I was in a Spanish mag called Belio, it had like 100 illustrations in it, a lot of them were pretty sick... I didn't take a photo of my work in it though.

The next mag blew my mind, its a Brazilian teen magazine marketed towards young ladies. Its got stuff like fashion tips and photos of cute boys and horoscopes. Its cool that they have an art section though...

Here's a page from the mag to give you an idea of what it's like...

The most recent mag is from Taiwan, a publication called DPI. The woman that I was talking to from the mag was named Lulu, and she was amazing. I'd be all like: "Sorry I gave you these images 2 weeks late..." and she was all like: "It doesn't matter! Meeting artists makes my life worth living! I love everything!" I'm not making fun of her at all, she blew my mind, I imagine that going on a date with her would be like chilling out at Pee-wee's Playhouse for the afternoon... Also, I got 8 pages, I've never had that large of a spread before...

The last mag is out of Paris, its the first time I've had a cover, so that felt pretty good. They never sent me a free copy though, so I had to take a photo of me holding it in a magazine store cause it costs $30. One of my friends felt sorry for me and bought me a copy in the end... In the magazines defense, they may have sent me a copy, theres a really good chance that I sent them the wrong address...

Ok, I'll be the first to say that this entry sucks. I'm not trying to be all like: "I'm in magazines, I'm cool", but i don't know what I'm trying to be "all like." I spend almost every waking moment sitting at a desk listen to Star Wars audiobooks and I haven't had sex in months, I know I'm not cool! I guess I just needed something to post because its been a bit, and I'm not done the work for the fair yet... Oh, but tomorrow's post will be better, it will have slugs and horses n it! OK, back to my desk to draw...


Dingus said...

Man, that dpi magazine looks awesome. You don't by any chance know how someone from Canada could snag that issue?

Nicholas Di Genova said...
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Nicholas Di Genova said...

I'm not sure, I think it is the current issue, but I haven't seen any copies in stores... Maybe in one of those fancy design book stores, like "Swipe" in Toronto...

Brett Despotovich said...

That was a wonderful post, but 'tomorrow' never came.

Anonymous said...

You are the bees knees Mr. DiGenova.
What I find the most inspiring about this post is that you don't pretend to be some arrogant rockstar artist prick.
PS. Why haven't you had sex?


Larissa Thomas said...

yeah!!! me and i think laura? saw that magazine! and we were all like nick dicelebrityova (instead of snitch disuckova or whatever anthony calls you)
one by one, bit by bit, you are taking over this world!!!
do you think it's possible you are the second coming of christ? i think it might be.

i bet you'll get mad 16 year old asian pussy out of all this.

but seriously nick,
i am really proud.

(should i not post vulgarity in your blog? i almost made it worse)

i think i'm going to start a fan-blog, attached to our coming-soon buffy blog with carolyn g.

Nicholas Di Genova said...

Erin, I haven't gotten laid in months because I'm impotent.

Larissa, please include more vulgarity in your posts. It wouldn't be you if it wasn't offensive and disgusting... Not to say that YOU are offensive and disgusting, you are offensive and sexy.

If I get any 16 year olds out of this I'll throw them your way, because like I said, I am impotent and would not know what to do with them... thanks for letting me sleep on your couch last night lady... I'll tell Belleville you say hi.

Anonymous said...

Dudely, I''m digging the galactic geographic studies of your horde. You are doing great work! When can I get more? Hopefully see you soon. My show with Matt is end of May beginning June - I'm working like a proverbial dog to get it done. Working for a living sucks, when I'd rather be doing the art. Too bad I have to make house payments.....

Hope to see you at the show at the very least.



ingenue said...

Haha. Impotent.

Impotent means we tried to do it cross the oceans, but it didn't quite reach.

Nick asked me to say that.

I'm sorry guys.

ingenue said...

I'm not sorry that it isn't true. I am sorry that it is true and I hope that it doesn't make other guys feel inadequate.

Anonymous said...

a. what fair?

b. how do you find out about these magazines and get your work into them? do you have an agent, just submit cold, or does your gallery hook you up?

the magazines are awesome... this IS a cool post. good for you.

Nicholas Di Genova said...

Craig, I absolutely can't wait for your show! I'm pretty damn pumped...

Martin, the fair I'm getting ready for is Volta that takes place in Switzerland. I think its in early June, but in order to get my stuff framed and there on time, I have to finish it within a week or two...

As far as magazines, I don't generally approach them, they usually get in touch with me and ask for images and an interview... Its like a snowball effect, when one magazine writes about you, that causes a couple more to take interest, and so on...

TKKultist said...

Cool stuff Nick - Im gonna try and hunt down that Japanese one too - if anyone else here gets a line on em please drop me a line

Outrist said...

dude, who gives a shit about what you do with your time? spend it how you like.
also if i got you wall space would you be up for some street art?