This is me looking really surprised at something... The girl in the back is Patti, one of my best buds... She works across the street from my studio and always brings me coffee or gatorade or company...
This is my friend Rose who took all of the photos, except this one I guess... No, wait, I think I borrowed her camera and took them myself... I can't remember. Oh, Rose and her friend Steph run a company together, you should go to the website and buy things... Oh, I see that they have a blog now too...
I'm not good with computers and I don't know how to make hyperlinks...
Hmmm...what happened this week? Oh, Nicolina worked her first shift as a paid studio assistant, except I didn't have any cash to pay her, but I'm good for it...or rather I hope to shit I'll be good for it within the next couple of weeks... uh, sorry Nicolina, you are important to me...
Look how happy she looks:
Then Nicolina cleaned my studio and found a bloody tooth on the floor. My first reaction was to check my mouth, but it was all good. Then I thought maybe it was Andrews from when he got hit by that car, but I saw the teeth he lost and neither looked like this... So Nicolina found a bloody tooth on the floor, and we have no idea where it came from...
A couple of friends from across the hall came over and said they found a hidden basement in the building. This was very exciting news, I've been in the building for about 3 years in total, and I never heard anything about a hidden basement... So we explored it:
So after all that walking we found an old office with rotten cans of coke in the fridge. And there was a desk and in the desk we found 2 big boxes of condoms, and an unopened bottle of chocolate body...stuff. I don't know what its called, that stuff that people put on each other and have sex with it... Chocolate body paste? Lotion?
Beside the desk there was a little hobbit sized door that lead to a scary dark corridor with ladders to climb:
I also drew a bunch, But I haven't finished any of the drawings yet, I have a few on the go at once, getting some small paper drawings ready for the Toronto Internation Art Fair, which is in late October I think...
Oh, I sent 5 pieces to that Strange Brew show in Seatlle that I posted the flyer for. Two of the pieces I sent were small watercolours, 4" x 6"... Its the first time I've really used watercolours, uh, I'm not brilliant, but I wanted to post them in here for some variation... The scans look pretty fucked up, this was from before we calibrated my scanner... They are brother and sister Coral Gnomes...
Ok, thats all I got for now...